Sunday, 29/01/12

Sunday, 29/01/12

We had a marathon box making session yesterday after the workouts.  Thank-you to everyone that gave up a large chunk of their day to pitch in to the effort: Michael Lobb (Event Planner and Event Planer, Mr Equipment and All Round Nice Guy), Brendan Barber (Intellectual Property Owner, Glue and Screw Overlord and Beer Provider), Jo Genders (Sadie, Pencil Wielder #1), Sue Webb (Positive Vibist, Pencil Wielder #2 and Guardian of the Stick), Robyn Doyle (Apprentice Pencil Wielder), Paula Barber (Flowmaster), Jeff Welman (Glue and Screw Merchant, Quality Controller, Stunt Man), Chris Bowman (G&S Merchant, Grip), Jan Greyling (G&S Merchant, Muscle), Matt Grounds (G&S Merchant, Security), Ru (G&S Merchant, SNACCK – Sensitive New Age Caramalised Coffee King ), Andrew Hines (G&S Merchant, The Guy that Vanishes Just Before the Clean Up Starts – some feeble excuse like having to go to work and protect society).



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  • Cam & Sarah
    Posted at 10:49h, 29 January

    Oh meat man nice jump buddy!! Looks like the box making was pretty fun!!

  • Katherine L
    Posted at 16:15h, 29 January

    Awesome work guys! Thanks for all your hard work. I look forward to jumping in my plyo box!

    • Jim
      Posted at 18:06h, 29 January

      Jumping IN it? You must have got the one without the optional extras, like a lid.

    • Jeff
      Posted at 18:08h, 29 January

      Are you going to jump in it to hide from the next WOD? Or are you going to enter a sack race and use the pylo box instead of a sack?

    • Jo Genders
      Posted at 18:15h, 29 January

      I know she’s my LITTLE sister, but that’s ridiculous!

  • Katherine L
    Posted at 18:26h, 29 January

    Umm, der, haven’t you heard about the latest and greatest CrossFit WOD?
    For time
    100 ‘in’ the plyo box jumps
    100 pull ups
    100 typing tutorials
    I did it in 2:30

  • Michael L
    Posted at 18:30h, 29 January

    I’m glad I checked the blog I’ve been looking for Katherine all day.

    • Sue
      Posted at 18:38h, 29 January

      Check my box, Michael. It rattles!

      • Sue
        Posted at 18:40h, 29 January

        Nobody got those bits out for me!

      • Jo Genders
        Posted at 18:49h, 29 January

        Bi risqué for a family website!

        • Jo Genders
          Posted at 18:50h, 29 January

          *bit. Clearly, typing skills are genetic!

          • Sue
            Posted at 19:04h, 29 January

            Hmmm thought that too after it was too late!

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