Saturday, 24/12/11

Saturday, 24/12/11

Farewell Cam and Sarah. We miss you guys already.
All the best to all of our members, we hope you have a safe and happy holiday period and come back pumped up for a big year in becoming even more awesome.
Please note that the gym will be closed on Boxing Day.
“12 Days of Christmas”

1 Burpee
2 Turkish get ups 15/10kg
3 Press 42.5/30kg
4 Box jumps 24/20″
5 Push ups
6 Air squats
7 Sit ups
8 Wall ball 10/6kg
9 Double unders
10 Kettle bell swings 24/16kg
11 Pull ups
12 Thrusters 42.5/30kg

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  • jessica
    Posted at 00:49h, 24 December

    Goodbye and Good luck Cam and Sarah!! Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and happy new year. Have fun with this WOD 😉
    whoop, whoop!

  • Lauren
    Posted at 04:03h, 24 December

    Awesome! The highlights package– sorry to miss it. Merry Christmas everyone.

  • jessica
    Posted at 04:23h, 24 December

    Bodyshop crossfit, Kelowna
    5-5-5-5-5 Deadlift
    100, 115, 125, 135, 145 pounds
    15 Deadlift 135 pound (61.2kg)
    15 K2E
    15 Wallball 14 pound (6kg)
    12:28 min rxd

    • jessica
      Posted at 04:25h, 24 December

      30 min Jilian Michaels workout with my Auntie (for motivation for her)
      warm up-1000mtr row

  • Jim King
    Posted at 12:49h, 24 December

    What a great day. Fantastic efforts all round the box.
    Stupid O’Clock
    April 27:20 Rxd+ (20kg KB, V-ups, 24″ BJ)
    Christian 45:57
    Trent 29:18 Rxd
    Cam 26:12 Rxd
    Sarah 29:08
    Jan 41:55
    David C 42:07
    Cecilia 40:55
    Sandy 35:29
    Minh 38:25
    Jo G 26:44
    Jeff DNF
    Kate L 26:16
    Sue W 36:52
    Chris 32:14
    Kath L 39:54
    Andrew 39:41
    Matt G 46:05 Rxd
    Jason W 67:06
    Michael 42:55
    Jim 39:44 Rxd+

  • Cam & Sarah
    Posted at 14:55h, 24 December

    Was sad leaving today! We will miss you all very much!
    Brendan, Paula and Megan we didn’t see you before we left so have a great Christmas and new year! I don’t know if Sarah will be as encouraging through ‘Fran’ Brendan 🙂
    All the best to you all for 2012. Keep going hard
    Bye for now……

    • Jo Genders
      Posted at 19:30h, 24 December

      We’ll miss you too! Have a wonderful adventure!

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