19 Aug Saturday, 20/08/11
Happy birthday for yesterday Liz Walmsley….. and still (just) a teenager.
7.00am Core Strength and Mobility
7.45am Open Gym
8.30am WOD
“The Chief”
Complete as many rounds as possible in 5 intervals of 3 minutes, resting one minute between each interval:
3 Power Cleans 60/40kg
6 Pushups
9 Squats
Posted at 21:12h, 19 AugustGreat video Jimmy. Gotta love Camille.
Happy Birthday Liz!
Brendan & Paula
Posted at 21:56h, 19 AugustWe all love Camille!!!
Cam Leggatt
Posted at 23:17h, 19 AugustHappy birthday Liz!! Where you been haha??
Cam Leggatt
Posted at 11:32h, 20 August“the Chief” was challenging yet awesome!! Really enjoyed it today crew!!
Posted at 20:53h, 20 Augustsame, today was awesome!!
Jim King
Posted at 12:44h, 20 AugustOpen Gym
Jack 14 + 6 + 0 + 6 (30kg) “The Chief”
Iceman 4:41 (40kg) “Isabel” again
Steph conditioning
“The Chief”
Arnie 16 + 6 pushups rxd
Paula 21 rxd (in her own special way)
Trent 14 (30kg)
Ru 21 rxd
Megan 18 + 5 pushups (35kg)
Christian 16 + 2 pushups (20kg DL, knee pushups)
Steph conditioning
Cam 18 + 1 power clean rxd
Sarah 16 + 1 power clean (25kg)
Kate 18 + 5 squats (25kg)
Brendan 19 + 1 power clean rxd
Jo G 17 + 2 squats (25kg)
April 20 rxd
Jim 24 + 1 power clean rxd
5km Run (Post your time to comments if you know it)
April 25:07
Jo G
Jo Genders
Posted at 15:22h, 20 August20 rxd, April! You are amazing! I’d be lucky to do 5 after that run!
Jim King
Posted at 14:30h, 20 AugustChristian,
Can you let us know if they have presented accurate sub-titles on this clip?
Posted at 19:05h, 20 Augusthilarious!!
Posted at 19:17h, 20 AugustNah, they got their Panzer designations wrong cause they left out the type numbers.
Jo D
Posted at 08:43h, 21 AugustWow guys & gals you smashed the Chief!! Looks like it was a fun one & running (yay!) My WOD “Finding Nemo” was a lot more relaxed
3k Swim not for time (jellyfish speed), deckchair carry, umbrella push-up, towel press & 100page turns.
Posted at 08:52h, 21 AugustYep, I like your WOD Jo D.