Monday, 19/08/13

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  • Jim King
    Posted at 10:00h, 19 August

    Sam H 6+1 the rx
    Hutcho 5+10 thr rx
    TK 6+2 thr rx
    Julie N 4+10 the @15
    John K 5 @35
    G-Force 5+5 thr rx
    Kim L 4+7 thr @20, gr
    Jess G 5+2 p-u @12.5
    Amanda 4+10 thr @25
    Mel B 4+10 thr @20, gr
    Jo D 4+1 p-u rx
    Trent 7+5 DB the
    Joel 4 rx
    Niall 5+2 thr rx
    Paul E 3+10 the @45
    Geoff 4+6 p-u @35
    Chakkerz 4 bl band
    Craig J 4+200m @30
    Billi 4+10 thr @25, ppl
    Sumi 4+10 thr @20
    Alyssa 4 @25
    Sarah V 4+10 p-u @25, gr
    Bec C 4+8 p-u @30
    Killer 4+2 p-u rx
    Michael G 5+1 the rx
    Michael H 5+200m
    Rossco 5+10 @35
    Sharelle 5 rx
    Sinead 4+10 the
    Steph U 4 @15, bl+gr
    Emma P
    Tracey M 5+10 the @20
    Ali A 6.5 rx
    Steve H
    Dinesh 5 @30, ppl

  • Jim King
    Posted at 10:49h, 19 August

    Greg 4+run rx
    Glen 6+5 thr @35
    Beth 5+5 thr @15.5
    Pam O 4+run @20
    Crystal 5+3 thr @20, gr
    Julie L 4 @25, row
    Steve B 4+10 thr @30, rr
    Chris H 5+10 the rx
    Alex F 4 mod @30
    Mark L 6 @45
    Jess 5+p-u+10m rx+
    AK 5+thr+100m rx+
    Jim 7+thr+150m rx

  • Jim King
    Posted at 21:14h, 19 August

    DangerMan 3+ final run rx (Final run? Nice knowing you Dan, it was fun while it lasted.)
    Kat 4+2 thé @20
    Chris M 5 @15 mod
    Nicole M 4+10 p-u @8
    Lizzie B 4+10 p-u (2×10 or 2×8)
    Tim C 4 rx
    Dee 4+10 rx
    Oz 8+1 the thr rx
    Dave M 4+10 thr rx
    Bel 5+10 p-u @17.5
    Mullo 5+4 thr @30
    Hoppo 5+200m rx
    Kyle 6+thr+100m rx
    Mad Dog
    Laz 5+7 p-u @30
    Grant E
    Krusher 6+10 p-u (20kg DB)
    Damo A 4 @30
    Rob C 4+10 p-u rx
    Michael L 5+1 thr rx
    Bec G
    Tim G
    Leighton 5 @30, ppl band
    Sophie S
    Reece K
    Netty 3+thr mod
    Josh A 4+200m run @40
    Lans 6 rx
    Toby W 5+10 thr @30
    Elsa 5+3 p-u @30
    Shannon 5+7 thr @30
    Tim S 7+5 mod
    Naomi H 5+3 the @30
    Cam J 4+10 the rx
    Naomi P 5+7 mod
    Stef P 4+5 thr @15
    Camo 6+10 p-u rx
    Jad 5+5 @30
    Ryan K 5+10 @20
    Ali A
    Paige 6+4 thr rx
    Sarah L 4+7 thr @25
    Sophie Mac 5+10 @20
    Beast 7+10 thr rx
    Luke O 5+5 thr @35, ppl band
    Laura C 4+10 the @15, row
    RV 5+5 the @30
    Jury 4 rx
    Alex C 5+10 thr rx
    Sam T 5+6 rx

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