Monday, 06/08/12

Monday, 06/08/12

15 minutes to find Power Clean 3RM then:
Games WOD 11.5
AMRAP in 20 minutes:
5 Power cleans (65/45kg)
10 Toes to bar
15 Wall balls (9/6kg)

  • Bianca
    Posted at 21:21h, 05 August

    Tony – Photo Bumming Rx
    Nice effort man! Even I, the master, am impressed.

  • Jo Genders
    Posted at 07:14h, 06 August

    Jo: CrossFit Rockhampton
    4 RFT: 10 DB snatch (15kg), 60m sprint: 4:22 rxd
    Plus: 30 pull ups (no bleeding), 45 wall balls, 750m row, 3 min plank.
    I’m really fitting in up here with my limp 😉

  • Jim King
    Posted at 11:13h, 06 August

    Clay 80kg / 6+7 Toes-to-Bar Rx (10kg WB)
    Michael R 25/5+2? (25,6)
    John K 40/6 (30/6)
    Suzy 30/7+7 wb (20/4)
    Trent 85/9+5 pc Rx
    Emma P -/8+10 knee raise (25)
    Jo J -/8+5 pc (35)
    Bianca -/10+5 pc (30)
    David -/6+11wb (40)
    Michael G
    Caitlin -/7+4 wb (15)
    Rod 6:23 Rx “Fran”
    Aaron 70/7 (65)
    Phantom 40/10 (30,6)
    Sam D -/6+8 wb (30)
    Alyssa 35/ 8 wb? (25)
    Simon 10:19 Rx “Fran”
    Jono 8:54 Rx “Fran”
    Annette 6:44 Rx “Fran”

  • Emma
    Posted at 11:55h, 06 August

    I had nothing today. I think my rockclimbing victories robbed me of crossfit success.

    • Bianca
      Posted at 14:41h, 06 August

      Yeah. Wiv ya dere sista…. I probz woulda dun 18rds Rx if it woznt 4 my awesomeness on da walls yesturdai

  • Jo J
    Posted at 12:53h, 06 August

    I recommend adding a splash of ‘orange’ to any workout Em
    April, you realise once you start the pushup/plank club, theres no going back…..

    • Bianca
      Posted at 14:44h, 06 August

      Kinda like when you start the 6am dress-ups club. One day we will have forgotten what we’re “meant” to dress in for workouts

      • Emma
        Posted at 20:11h, 06 August

        bumblebee leg socks next ladies

        • Anonymous
          Posted at 21:23h, 06 August

          Haha Jo…..lucky I am not there very often!
          Actually, I look forward to it! Its fun.

  • Jim King
    Posted at 20:55h, 06 August

    Dan 9:30 “Fran” (jumping pullups)
    Arthur 5+5 wb (25)
    Michael L 9:44 Rx “Fran”
    Torin 5 (35)
    CKZ 9:01 :Fran” (blue band)
    Shelly 9 (18)
    Patrina 8 (22.5)
    Tim C 80/6+1 pc Rx
    Sue O 10:38 (25, jpu)
    K-Mac 9+9 knee raise (30,6)
    Michelle P Intro 1
    Jan 95/6+1 wb Rx
    Jean-Marc 6+5 pc (55,10)
    Jen 15.5/5:36 “Fran
    Megan 55/5:50 Rx “Fran”
    Steve F 80/8
    Ali 25/6:51 “Fran” (15, red/orange)
    Sarah 30/8+5 wb
    Bec C 50/9+7 t2b (35,4)
    Tim W 60/9+6 wb
    Danny 47.5/11:30 “Fran” (30,o)
    Rob C

    • Christian
      Posted at 20:21h, 07 August

      Also, 70kg for the 3RM clean, forgot to write it up 😉

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