Friday, 27/01/12

Friday, 27/01/12

* The 5.30am session is now a 5.15am start on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
* Please remember to bring in your $60 if you have ordered a box.
For time:
400m Row
50 Double Unders
800m Run
50 Double Unders
800m Run
50 Double Unders
400m Row
10 Handstand Pushups
15 Deadlift (115 / 85kg)
25 Box Jumps (30/24″)
50 Pullups
100 Wall Ball (10/6kg)
200 Double Unders
400m Run (Carrying a plate: 20/15kg)

  • Pip
    Posted at 08:37h, 27 January

    I wasn’t going to be able to come this arvo so planned on going to the 6am session….couldn’t get out of bed so I’ve changed my plans this arv so I can get there for this WOD lol…is that stupidity or dedication?? 😀

  • Megan
    Posted at 09:46h, 27 January

    Yesterday – Annie: ~7:30 at a guess
    Today – 20min AMRAP: 5 burpees, 10 sit-ups, 15 squats. Score = 14 rounds + 10 squats

  • Jim King
    Posted at 11:46h, 27 January

    Robyn 25:30 (A – singles)
    Sandy 19:03 (B – mod)
    Flash 16:00 (A – singles)
    Jo D 30:23 (B)
    Trent 13:24 Rx (A)
    Sue O 18:49 (A – singles)
    Danny 18:30 (A – singles)
    David C 17:25 (A)
    Kim 20:48 (A – singles)
    Cath R 25:33 (B – scaled)
    April 30:23 (B)
    John 26:00 (A – singles)
    Jim 13:05 Rx (A)

  • jess
    Posted at 13:52h, 27 January

    52 min run, estimated at between 8-9km. Felt sick! So not ready to compete! Argh! And pip, thats dedication, not stupidity 🙂

    • Pip
      Posted at 21:54h, 27 January

      Stop it Jess lol u ARE ready, I wouldn’t even be able to run for 52 mins lol! 🙂

  • April King
    Posted at 20:51h, 27 January

    Trent 27:23 Rx (B)
    Brendan 31:10 Rx (B)
    Jim 22:48 Rx (B)
    Lana 14:11 Rx (A)
    Paula 22:16 (A)
    James 18:38 (A – singles)
    Dan 17:27 (A – singles)
    Pip 15:24 (A)
    Lauren 24:55 Rx (A)
    Bec 16:05 (A – scaled)
    CKZ 175 kg 1RM
    Campbell 15:43 Rx(A)
    Annette 15:08 Rx (A)
    Kate P 25:50 (B – mod)
    Sam 26:45 (B – mod)
    Rob 29:15 (B)
    Peter D 33:41 (B)

  • Pop
    Posted at 21:47h, 27 January

    April well done!! I so want to do ‘B’ sometime lol although I wouldn’t have been Rx anyway coz of hspu and c2b lol. Tell me your secret!! Lol 🙂 🙂

  • Pip
    Posted at 21:49h, 27 January

    Haha that’s Pip!! :p

    • Pip
      Posted at 21:52h, 27 January

      Sorry lol stupid ph!! It wiped my previous comment! I said-well done April on ur Rx today!! I so want to do that ‘nutts’ wod but wouldn’t get Rx coz of hspu and c2b lol tell me ur secret!! 🙂 🙂

      • Jim King
        Posted at 22:29h, 27 January

        Her secret is claiming Rx when no-one is watching even when she did her HSPU off the box. Actually, I posted her as Rx without thinking that it wasn’t because of the HSPU. I know it looks like April posted it but it was me on her computer so it really was me and really wasn’t April, there is no conspiracy here, and no Rx either. Sorry to disappoint.

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