18 Aug Friday, 19/08/11
For time:
30 Snatch 60/40kg
For time:
30 Snatch 60/40kg
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Jim King
Posted at 08:56h, 19 August6am
Hutch 2:57 (30kg)
Jo D 3:36 (20kg)
Christian 3:28 (35kg)
Paula 6:57 (35kg)
Well done crew. Good persistence on the Farmer Carry despite technical and logistical complications. I’ll need to work on that one because it’s a valuable movement, particularly when your grip strength is already taxed from the prior workout.
Jim 10:44 rxd / 2rnds + 20m ( @ 2x 60kg Death by Farmer Carry)
Thanks for the encouragement Jo.
Posted at 09:28h, 19 AugustWell done on doing it so quick Jim, how much is your 1RM now?
Jim King
Posted at 09:31h, 19 August1RM is still 60kg + chalk.
Posted at 10:42h, 19 AugustChalk. That’ll weigh you down Jim. So has that been my problem with pull-ups and deadlifts?
Jim King
Posted at 11:27h, 19 AugustChalk won’t add weight to your pullups (thick shoelaces are a trap for beginners) but it certainly adds weight to the deadlift. We use the heavy variety at CFK.
Jo D
Posted at 19:14h, 19 AugustYou did it so easy Jim! The olympic lifts get you a bit hooked & my hands have way more callouses from those crazy farmers carry’s
It was lots of fun!
Jim King
Posted at 09:14h, 19 AugustChristian,
I need to work on my 1RM Snatch to improve my Isabel time and you need to work on your defence to a left hook if you want to further your MMA career:
Shogun KO’s The Iceman
Posted at 09:26h, 19 AugustYeah, my defense to a left hook is really the only thing holding back that MMA career.
Bummed about the Farmer’s Carry … and being so unco at keeping it balanced
Jim King
Posted at 09:35h, 19 AugustLook on the bright side, you were totally on top of unbalancing it. You’ll go better next time mate. I am just as certain of that as I am that your next mohawk is going to look wicked!
Posted at 19:33h, 19 AugustOi, my last mohawk looked wicked too!
Jo Genders
Posted at 11:47h, 19 AugustJim, you should approach CFHQ to include yesterday’s WOD as a hero WOD. Every muscle (including my face muscles) hurts today! Also, not sure which movement was supposed to give my ribs a workout, but it worked!
Please make tomorrow’s WOD rolling and chatting…
Jim King
Posted at 18:31h, 19 August12pm
Yesterday’s WOD
Liz 6:21,7:07 = 13:28
Flash 6:27,6:24 = 12:51
Jack 6:09, 12:15 = 18:24
Arnie 5:00 rxd (“Isabel”)
Posted at 19:31h, 19 AugustYou’re wearing the chalk as a charm bracelet again?
Posted at 19:32h, 19 AugustGah, why didn’t that go with the first thread?
Jim King
Posted at 19:44h, 19 AugustThe website only allows five replies per comment. I like the cryptic nature of your comment’s current position. There’s a bunch of people out there right now thinking “Is he talkin’ to me?”
Posted at 20:50h, 19 AugustWho said that?
Posted at 21:54h, 19 AugustWhy isn’t there a “like”button on here?