Friday, 07/12/12

Friday, 07/12/12

5 rounds for time:
400m run
15 Overhead squats (42.5/30kg)
B) End Of The World WOD
Partitioning as required, in any order, complete the following for time:
3km Run
6 Rope Climbs
12 Bar Muscle-Ups
48 Wall Ball
96 Situps
192 Double Unders


  • Kat
    Posted at 07:55h, 07 December

    But but but…do I wear my squat shoes, or my running shoes?!?!?!

    • CKZ
      Posted at 10:41h, 07 December

      i have cycling shoes if you want to borrow another alternative…

  • Jim King
    Posted at 08:56h, 07 December

    John A
    Chris V 14:53 (8.5kg)
    Paul E 18:10 (15kg)
    Robyn 23:@7 mod
    Reece B 18:47 mod (+10kg run)
    Tom 21:10 (25kg)
    Kate K 21:30 (13kg)
    Emma P 21:20 (15kg)
    Lizzie B
    Craig J 23:49 (20kg)
    Caitlin 26:05 (15kg)
    Errol 16:49 (20kg)
    Beth 19:25 (17.5kg)
    Alex C
    K-Star 20:09 (15kg)
    Alex F 27:45 (20kg sandbag run, mod)
    Kat 19:33 (15kg)
    Gerard 19:28 rx I love it when a plan comes together, well done Gerard. As Trent says Mike Tyson says: “Everyone’s got a plan until they get punched in the face.”
    Craig S 22:45 rx
    Jo G 17:27 rx
    Hutch 19:49 rx
    Trent 12:21 rx
    Beast 12:14 rx
    Krusher 14:04 rx
    End Of The World
    Jack 41:52
    Steve F 33:27
    Michael R 28:59 (2 rnds mod)
    Trav 39:22
    Sharelle 37:55
    Nic G 35:10 (2 rnds)
    Jo D 41:01
    Alyssa 29:45 (2 rnds)
    Probes 42:33
    Sam D 31:51
    Benny 43:23 rx
    Oz 27:38 rx
    Jim 27:17 rx

  • Trav
    Posted at 11:04h, 07 December

    Kudos to the DJ this morning – nice soundtrack for the End of the World!

  • CKZ
    Posted at 12:57h, 07 December

    I was looking at Nancy, thinking “that doesn’t look too bad” but I remember … we did Nancy modified not long ago … 🙂

  • Jim King
    Posted at 19:02h, 07 December

    Open Gym
    Kat 52.5kg power clean / 50kg c&j
    Arnie 6:23 (100 chest to OH, 10 KB swing penalty for putting the bar down)
    Mad Dog
    Dave P 35kg 1RM dip / 25kg chin
    Netty 2 x 14 min workouts
    GT 39:45 rx (EOW)
    Andrew H
    Patrina 20:06 (20kg) “Nancy”
    Matt G
    Ben C 16:10 “Nancy” / 40kg fs
    4 minute challenge
    Deanne 22 (16kg)
    April 61 (20kg)
    Jono 27 rx
    Krusher 42 rx
    Jim 49 rx
    Oz 48 rx
    Trent 52 rx

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