WOD – Saturday, 30/04/11

WOD – Saturday, 30/04/11

7:30am Fundamentals
8:30am WOD
Double 8 minute Amrap (3 minute rest between efforts)
Amrap #1 in 8 minutes
15 KB Swings 24/16kg
30 Double Unders
Amrap #2 in 8 minutes
15 Pushups
30 Lunges
Post total reps to comments.


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  • Jim King
    Posted at 13:17h, 30 April

    NOTE: Unless it says “rxd” beside your name it is understood that you have scaled the workout to some degree. Also, if you completed 4 rounds + 15 KB + some DUs then by only posting the DUs it is assumed that you completed the KB swings and therefore it is not required to post that number.
    These notes apply to all posted results. Feel free to add notes of your own in a comment to give greater detail or to correct a mistake in my posting.
    Sonia 3rnds+5KB / 2rnds + 19 lunges
    Kate 4rnds + KB / 3rnds + 2 lunges
    Lee 4rnds / 4rnds + 4 lunges
    Jack 4rnds / 4rnds + 8 pushups
    Sarah 4rnds + 10KB / 3rnds + 22 lunges
    Steph 4rnds + 10 skips / 3rnds + 2 lunges
    Louise 5rnds / 4rnds
    Liz 3rnds / 3rnds
    Jo 2 rxd 1 KB (12KG) 15 DU / 2 rxd, 2 @ 0.5PU
    Jeff 4rnds + 7KB rxd / 3rnds + 7 lunges rxd
    Brendan 4rnds + 6 DU rxd / 5rnds + 2 lunges rxd
    Paula 3rnds + 15KB rxd / 4rnds + 13 Pushups rxd

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