20 Dec WOD – Tuesday, 21/12/10
AMRAP in 15 mins:
9 Overhead lunge (20/15kg)
6 Push Press (40/30kg)
3 Half muscle-up
The half muscle-up is completed when the transition to above the rings is finished with the biceps touching the rings. There is no dip phase.
Post number of completed rounds to comments.
Time to pay off some of those burpees folks. Post completed penalties to comments.
Jeff Welman
Posted at 20:09h, 21 December9 rounds + 9 O/Head lunge (O/H Lunge@10kg, Push Press rxd, Pushups)
Jimmy King
Posted at 21:16h, 21 DecemberJim
9rnds + 3 OH lunge rxd
Good stuff Meaty.