Thursday, 30/11/17

Thursday, 30/11/17

– Solo or Partner WOD

– If working with a partner share reps equally and complete each run together.

– Scaling options: 1 round for time; AMRAP in 30 minutes; 2 rounds for time at half the number of reps

– 45 minute time cap




2 rounds for time:


34 Pushups

45m Sprint

34 Deadlifts (65/45kg)

45m Sprint

34 Box Jumps (24/20″)

45m Sprint

34 G2OH (45/30kg)

45m Sprint

34 Burpees (6″)

45m Sprint

34 Wall Ball (9/6kg)

45m Sprint

34 Pull-Ups

45m Sprint

Photo credit: Michael Coppola Photographics


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