Thursday, 05/09/13

Thursday, 05/09/13

A) For time (5 minute time cap):
50 KB Swings (32/24kg)
25 Strict Pull-ups
B) For time:
100 Double-unders
800m Run
Then 4 rounds of
15 Situps
10 Toes-to-Bar
5 Strict HSPU
800m Run
100 Double-unders
If your abs are a bit too tender for another blast after the Jess special we will find substitutions for you.

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  • TK
    Posted at 06:20h, 05 September

    A)13 pullups @c/o back was dead from deads yesterday…
    B) 20:59

  • Aaron Osborne
    Posted at 07:20h, 05 September

    Name – A) / B)
    Marc G mod / 21:51 mod
    Chris V 4:30 mod / 26:12 mod
    James K 62 (20kg) / 25:19 mod
    Rees 66 Rx / 23:29 mod
    Hunty 65 / 26:10 mod
    Sharelle 54 Rx / 24:25
    Kate L 67 (16kg) / 22:43
    Tara 63 (12kg) / 23:53 mod
    Nicolette (8kg) / 21:45 (beginner)
    Pami 4:24 (6kg, green/orange) / 24:42 mod
    Maria 65 (green band) / 23:27

  • Aaron Osborne
    Posted at 07:31h, 05 September

    Greg B 60 Rx / 21:36 Rx
    Michael G 70 (24kg) / 27:30
    Jo D 55 (20kg) / 25:48 (box HSPU, singles)
    Rod 73 Rx / 22:12 mod
    Trent 4:46 Rx / 19:34 Rx
    Ross 68 (24kg) / 23:58 (box HSPU)
    Alyssa 70 (16kg) / 22:47
    Emma P 65 / 23:50
    Sarah V 4:50 / 20:47 mod
    Bec C 4:42 / 20:00
    Naomi H 4:36 / 24:00
    Jon N 70 / 30:47 (singles)
    Tracey 4:48 (16kg) / 22:51 mod
    Steve L 65 (24kg) / 26:26 mod
    Shelly 70 / 25:29 mod
    Billi 4:16 (16kg, green band) / 28:58
    Sumi 4:40 (20kg, Russian) / 28:01
    Michael H 62 (24kg) / 22:35
    Jason V 3:20 / 30:36
    Niall 71 (24kg) / 20:42 (box HSPU)
    Sinead 4:58 (12kg) / 24:19 mod
    Dave C 4:21 (24kg) / 24:41

  • Aaron Osborne
    Posted at 10:42h, 05 September

    GT 4:29 Rx / 23:59 Rx +
    Damo I 62 (24kg) / 24:12 mod
    Jono 66 Rx / 27:20
    Paige 54 Rx / 20:40 mod
    Chris H 71 Rx / 24:15 Rx
    Krusher 4:48 Rx
    Alex C 57 Rx / 21:54 mod
    Jimmy 3:52 Rx / –

    • Aaron Osborne
      Posted at 19:34h, 05 September

      Oz – / 13:34 Rx
      Jimmy – / 14:46 Rx

  • Jan
    Posted at 16:27h, 05 September

    I think there is value in this piece:

  • TK
    Posted at 17:05h, 05 September

    A) 4:50Rx (re-do)
    B) was Rx this morning

  • Aaron Osborne
    Posted at 17:42h, 05 September

    JC 58 Rx / 25:25 mod
    Ali A
    Tim S 2:46 Rx / 17:46 mod
    Jodie – / 22:37 mod
    Danni S
    Lou 3:42 mod / –
    Camo 3:18 mod / 15:18 mod
    Damo C 4:54 / 23:34 mod
    Ash M 60 (24kg) / 29:06 Rx
    Hoppo 4:55 (20) / 21:02 mod
    Maddie 54 (16kg) / 26:10 mod
    Lizzie B 4:55 (12kg) / 25:50 mod
    Sarah LJ (16kg) / 24:36
    Sophie S – / 21:59 mod
    Bel 3:30 (12kg) / 19:39 mod
    Mullo 65 (24kg) / 24:30 mod
    Beast 3:08 Rx / 15:18 mod
    Chris M 67 (16kg) / 22:30 mod
    Nicole M 70 (8kg) / 22:08 mod
    Dan M

  • Aaron Osborne
    Posted at 19:38h, 05 September

    Reece K 62 Rx / 29:16 Rx +
    Josh A
    Sam T 65 (24kg) / 26:30
    Damo A 62 / 29:59
    Tim G
    Alex Fooks 62 (20) / 31:50
    Lana – / 19:21
    Bec G 4:58 (16kg) / 23:37 mod
    Sarah L 68 (16kg, purple) / 24:37 mod
    Felix 64 (16kg) / 25:42 mod
    Ali A ‘Isabel’ 9:50 @ 50kg
    Sue O

  • Aaron Osborne
    Posted at 19:44h, 05 September

    Smithy 62 (24kg) / 24:25 (mod)
    Sam H2 63 (24kg) / 24:41 (singles)
    Alex G 55 (20kg) / 28:58 mod
    Crystal 73 (16kg, green) / 24:08 mod
    Pelin 50 (16kg) / 30:00
    Carly S 62 (8kg) / 27:49 mod
    Susan 74 (12kg, green) / 27:02 mod
    Sen 50 (12kg)?? (I saw some pull-ups being done) / 30:50 mod
    Mark R-P 73 (24kg) / 20:54
    Jack 63 (20kg) / 24:37 mod
    Kristen 3:01 (8kg, blue) / 22:18 mod
    Carly B 5:00 (16kg) / 26:47 mod

  • Smithy
    Posted at 20:08h, 05 September

    Great article for any newbies, I can definitely relate to this!

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