Saturday, 15/10/11

Saturday, 15/10/11

“Filthy Fifty”
50 Box Jumps (24″)
50 Jumping Pullups
50 Kettlebell Swings (16kg)
50 Walking Lunges
50 Knees to Elbows
50 Push Press (20/15kg)
50 Back Extensions
50 Wall Ball (10/6kg)
50 Burpees
50 Double Unders
“Twenty’s Plenty”

Brendan: “10 Seconds? Soft. I’m going to give eternity a crack!!”

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  • jess
    Posted at 22:51h, 14 October

    Was wondering when this one was coming! Woo hoo

  • Jim King
    Posted at 10:49h, 15 October

    7.45am Intro Group
    Cecilia 13:10 (20’s, up to burpees on the 30’s)
    Jan 11:17 (20’s, up to BE on the 30’s)
    Jason 19:10 (30’s)
    Chris 11:50 (20’s)
    Paul 18:18 (30’s)
    Joel 18:22 (30’s)
    Hayley 18:45 (30’s)
    Belinda 22:00 (30’s)
    Michael 11:10 (20’s)
    Scott 18:40 (30’s)
    Nick 17:16 (30’s)
    Megan 2 rnds of 10
    Cam 25:07 Rxd
    Matt 32:40 Rxd
    Jess 27:53 Rxd
    Pip 36:31 Rxd
    Paula 31:10 Rxd
    April 25:11 Rxd
    Jo G 30:18
    Kate L 28:46
    Trent 28:20
    Ali 27:33 (40’s)
    Dave 14:36 (20’s)
    Tim 24:49 (40’s)
    Josh 14:30 (20’s)
    Kate S 19:38 (25’s)
    Sue W Intro 2

  • Josh
    Posted at 11:24h, 15 October

    You know you’re a Crossfitter when…
    You go out of town and the only luggage you check in is a 24kg kettlebell. Everything else you take as carry-on.

    • Josh
      Posted at 14:59h, 15 October

      You know you’re taking it to the next level when “everything else” is a skipping rope and a set of rings…

  • Josh
    Posted at 11:44h, 15 October

    You know you’re a Crossfitter when…
    You throw a birthday party for your kid, and the whole menu is Paleo.
    You know you’re taking it to the next level when your kid don’t notice anything unusual.
    You know it’s turned into a cult when none of the other kids do either…

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