Saturday, 15/06/13

Saturday, 15/06/13

WOD (A, B or C)
A) “Fran” (Yes, again. An opportunity to go even better!)
For time:
Thrusters (43/30kg)
B) Heavy “Fran”
For time:
Thrusters (61/43kg)
Pullups (20/15kg)
C) “Michael”
3 rounds for time:
800m Run
50 Back Extensions
50 Situps

Jamie E

Jamie E

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  • Jim King
    Posted at 13:47h, 15 June

    Marc G 7:20 @50 mod
    Chris V 6:43 @40
    Ross 8:20 @30 bandless
    Carly 13:00 @30, green
    Sharelle 8:53 @30
    Niall 11:00 @43, green
    Kim L 9:00 @20, green
    Naomi 5:43 @15
    Bec C 5:13 @15
    Marty 7:16 @25, green
    Ali M 17:30
    Jason V 9:00 @30
    JB 7:07 @42.5
    Dani B 9:27 @20, green
    Sandy 8:12 @20, ring rows
    John K 15:36 @30
    Steve L 16:48 @40
    Dave C 10:28 rx
    K* 13:14 rx
    Paige 8:36 rx
    Cam J 9:10 rx
    Tim W 8:28 rx
    Michael L 10:41 rx
    Reece K 7:05 rx
    Trent 3:47 rx
    Hutcho 9:10 rx
    Tim S 6:15 rx
    Jo G 7:35 rx PR
    Heavy “Fran”
    Krush Test Dummy 10:30 rx
    jim 10:29 rx
    Jess L 14:59 rx
    Oz 7:55 rx
    Pam 26:40
    Beth 27:40
    Stef P 23:00
    Caitlin 27:07
    Ash P 24:46 (40’s)
    Marc G 22!:4 mod
    Marty 14:10 (half)
    Kath L A long, long time (ago, in a galaxy far, far away…)
    Jen 23:40 rx + big cheezy grins
    Lans 17:21 rx
    Patrina 23:43 rx
    Niall 17:44 rx
    Tara 26:21 rx
    Greg 19:50 rx
    James K 21:51 rx
    Michael G 18:15 rx
    Steve H 18:22 rx
    Kate L 22:39 rx
    Damo C 21:40 rx
    Sarah L 24:27 rx
    Megan 20:12 rx
    Sue O 25:59 rx
    Kate P 24:07 rx

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