12 Aug Saturday, 13/08/11 Posted at 21:37h in Workout of the Day by Jim King 0 Comments 0 Likes 7.00 am Core Strengthening and mobility (Similar focus but a different flavour to the Pilates) 7.45 am Open Gym 8.30am WOD “Nancy” 5 rounds for time: 400m Run 15 Overhead Squat 42.5/30kg
Jim King
Posted at 10:11h, 13 August“Nancy” + max pushups (2 mins) + max hollow rocks (2 mins)
Trent 16:52 (10.5kg) / 28 / 28
Sarah 18:14 (15kg) / 21 / 42 mod
Cam 13:48 (30kg Push Press) / 40 / 36
Jo G 18:05 (1x20kg, 4x15kg) / 21 / 46 mod
Kate 18:04 (15kg) / 4 / 42 mod
Ali 19:33 (8kg) / 31 mod / 38
Brendan 14:03 rxd / 57 / 45
Christian 27:59 mod
Megan 12:12 (5rft: 400m ride, 10 ring pushups, 10 ring pulls)
Posted at 11:59h, 13 AugustI will do Nancy tomorrow from home and the local park. Shame I couldn’t stay, but at least I got a stretch and little work out in!