Saturday, 10/08/13

Saturday, 10/08/13

AMRAP in 20 minutes:
5 Handstand Pushups
10 Pistols (One-legged Squats)
15 Pullups
or B)
AMRAP in 20 minutes:
5 Thrusters (45/30kg)
10 Lateral Burpees
15 Situps
30 Double Unders

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  • Jim King
    Posted at 16:11h, 10 August

    Unless you have written rx on the whiteboard I assume you have scaled or modified the workout.
    hspu=handstand pushups, ps=pistol squats, p-u=pullups
    “Mary” – Scaled or modified
    Steve H 9+8 p-u
    Marc G 7+5 p-u (1 abmat)
    Sammy H
    Stef P 7+5 box hspu
    Mark L 6
    John K 7
    Pav 7
    Naomi P 8+6 ps
    Foxy 8+4 ps
    Jono 8+6 ps
    Reece K 6+2 hspu
    GT 11+5 ps
    Rob C 5+3 hspu
    Michael L 4+1 hspu
    Josh A 5
    Jim 7+5 hspu
    “Mary” – Rx’d
    Killer 3+3 p-u
    Kyle 7
    Jo G 7+3 hspu
    Krusher 7+9 ps
    TK 8+4 hspu
    Camo 9+2 hspu
    AK 10
    Scharfty 11+2 ps
    Oz 17+7 ps

  • Jim King
    Posted at 16:23h, 10 August

    thr=thrusters, lb=lateral burpees, su=situps, du=double unders, ss=single skips
    Thrusters etc – Scaled or modified
    Bel 6+90 ss @20
    Mullo 5+5 @30
    Sarah L 6+5 lb @25
    Jason V 6
    Pam O 5+13 du @25
    Sue O 4+lb @8kg DBs
    Kim L 4+3 thr @25
    Dave H 5+3 @40
    RV 4 @40
    Steve L 6+5 thr @40
    Jon N 5+3 thr @ 30
    James K 5+2 lb @30
    Chook 5+7 lb @25
    Eleni 4
    Sam H2 6+1 thr @40
    Michael H 7 @40
    Ckakkerz 3+10 lb
    Robyn 4+1 du @15
    Jury 5+5 the
    Rod 9+3 thr @18
    Shelly 4+10 lb @18
    Laura C 4 @18
    Sandy 5+15 su @20
    Luke 8+60 ss @35
    Marty 6+4 lb @35
    Sarah LJ 7+28 du
    Thrusters etc – Rx’d
    Cam J 4+10 du
    Laz 4+15 du
    Rich B 5
    Naomi H 5+9 lb
    Bec C 5+9 lb
    Dave C 5+10lb
    Kate L 5+7 su
    K* 5+11 du
    Greg 6
    Peter D 6+1 lb
    Kath L 6+2 lb
    Kate P 6+5 lb
    Sharelle 7+8 lb
    Alex C 8+3 thr

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