Saturday, 08/06/13

Saturday, 08/06/13

The CFK Online Whiteboard is live! If you have indicated that you wish to use this resource by putting your name and email address on the board at the gym and you are unable to log in let me know.
WOD – A), B), or C)
A) “Randy”
for time:
75 Power Snatches (35/25kg)
* 10 minute time cap
B) Games Open 12.2
AMRAP in 10 minutes
Incrementing Snatch Ladder
30 x 35/20kg
30 x 62.5/35kg
30 x 75/45kg
2000m Row for time
Deadlift 1RM

No Comments
  • Kat
    Posted at 22:51h, 07 June

    is there a default password?

  • Jim King
    Posted at 10:24h, 08 June

    A) “Randy”
    Bec C 7:22 @15
    Naomi 7:49 @15
    Josh A 9:56 @25
    Kim L 53 @20
    John K 9:36 @25
    Sue O
    Marty 8:27 @25
    Shelly 41 rx
    Dave C 60 rx
    James 67 rx
    Paige 11:25 rx
    Lana 7:55 rx
    Patrina 8:13 rx
    Michael L 9:16 rx
    Jarrod 9:53 rx
    Sam T 10:51 rx
    Foxy 6:48 rx / 180kg DL PB
    JB 11:04 rx
    Grant E 7:11 rx
    Kate P 9:58 rx
    Kate L 9:04 rx
    Jono 5:55 rx
    JC 9:20 rx
    Benny 9:00 rx
    Scharfty 6:23 rx
    Dave M 9:50 rx
    Bec G 9:32 rx
    Alex C 9:28 rx
    TK 7:20 rx
    Carly 6:10 rx
    Jason V 10:00 rx
    Marc G 7:31 rx
    Rob C 6:16 rx
    B) Open 12.2
    Svent 60 rx
    Krusherella 63 rx / 190kg DL PB
    Jo G 71 rx
    Kyle 31 rx
    Ben P
    C) ROW / DL
    Megan 8:05.3 / 110
    Michael G 7:21.2 / 140
    Tim S 7:52 / 140
    Niall 6:59.2 / 150 PB
    Tim G
    Rich B 7:31.4
    Steve H 7:50 / 120
    Robyn 9:48.2 / 70 PB
    TK 7:06.7 / 160
    Mad Dog
    Reece K
    Killer 8:16.0
    Marc G 8:21.2 / 127.5 PB

  • Sharelle
    Posted at 10:37h, 08 June

    Awesome job Jo – 11 at 45 kgs !!

  • Smithy
    Posted at 11:59h, 08 June

    7:10 row then retired hurt to the dentists chair
    Awesome DL Krushnalikov!

  • Jim King
    Posted at 16:19h, 08 June

    Jess L 24:32 rx “Loredo”
    AK 5:51 rx “Randy”
    Jim 5:39 rx “Randy” / 60 “Open 12.2”
    Oz 4:57 rx “Randy”
    Krush Puppy 5:35 rx “Randy”

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