24 Jun Monday, 25/06/12
For time:
1000m Row
50 Thrusters (20/15kg)
30 Pullups
Compare to last time.
For time:
1000m Row
50 Thrusters (20/15kg)
30 Pullups
Compare to last time.
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Jim King
Posted at 09:52h, 25 June5:15am
John K 14:40 (15kg)
Suzy 18:00 (1km run, 8kg)
Robyn 18:20 (1km run, mod)
Clay 15:10 Rx
Sabrina 10:51 (green band)
Chris M 18:30
Jo J 20:03 (15kg, g)
Jo H 17:21 (b)
Jo D 11:51 (o)
Hutch 12:54 (20kg, g)
Sandy 13:27 (ecc hang)
Rod 9:07 Rx
Rob G 13:31 (15, b)
Bianca Amoral support
Patrick 13:53 (15)
Ali 2:51 (9, o+r)
Tony 13:00 Rx
Caitlin 17:04 (8, g+r)
Michael G
Jeremy 18:04
April 9:35 rx “Jackie”, 5+7 pukies rx “Rankel”
Jo G 17:08 rx
Simon 13:21 rx
Kim 16:01 mod
Andrew B 19:21 (jpu)
Phantom 10:00 mod
Kat 19:07 rx
Chris Bats 17:01 (15, band pu)
Jim King
Posted at 19:14h, 25 JuneJim 7:40 rx
Jess 8:20 rx
CKZ 11:57 (b)
Tim G 12:19 (g)
Ben H 10:31 rx
Bec G 12:49 (g+o)
Dave P 18:50 mod
Arthur 12:15 (g)
Mick G
Tim C 11:56 (r)
Michael L 11:48 rx
Alyssa 18:00 (g)
Trent 7:26 Rx
Jan 9:26 rx
Mikky 14:11
Pip S 8:27 rx
Megan 8:35 rx
Matt H 12:20
Lucy 11:30 mod trial
Penny 13:37 (8, jp)
Pip LF 20:29 (b)
Amir 16:32 (g)
Greg 11:11 mod
Anita 13:50 (8, b)
Jono 9:55 rx
Dan 11:39 (jp)
Leah 12:00 (jp)
Lana 11:16 (o+r)
Lauren 12:53 (r+o)