Monday, 16/07/12

Monday, 16/07/12

Congratulations to Rob Noy and his team of helpers at CrossFit CrossAxed for hosting their first games day. There was something for everyone and the finals were very exciting to watch.
Thank-you very much to all the CFK members who came out on the day to watch and for all of your messages of support.
Again the ladies produced the goods. After two elimination WODS the field of approximately 100 female competitors was wittled down to ten finalists and Jess, Megan and April occupied three of those spots. Β Jess narrowly missed out on third place overall as she goes from strength to strength with her performances.
As always we are super proud of all our members and it was also great to see Trent and Kath give it their best shot in their first competition. Pip turned in a dominant performance in the second elimination WOD and by our calculations must have just fallen short of qualifying for the final too. (And we’ll claim Brendan too.)
For time:
50 Double Unders
10 Deadlift (120/80kg)
30 Pushups
30 Situps
8 Deadlift (120/80kg)
20 Pushups
20 Situps
6 Deadlift (120/80kg)
10 Pushups
10 Situps
50 Double Unders
– Handstands and mobility

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  • Kat
    Posted at 19:48h, 15 July

    Go Team Boom πŸ™‚

  • brendan
    Posted at 20:44h, 15 July

    AWESOME effort by all members of CFK! 30% of the woman’s finalists were team BOOM! Fantastic effort by all and I’ll happily take my CFK badge.
    PS. Trent beat me by 2 reps!

  • Annette
    Posted at 20:45h, 15 July

    Double Boom….CFK smashed it…well done guys, was a pleasure to watch!!

  • Bianca & Jo J
    Posted at 22:13h, 15 July

    Very proud to be CFKingers! Well done EVERYone of you. Not only did you inspire us to train harder, you brought us to a paradise where incredibly ripped men were abundant (and topless). So, thank you! Got some sweet pics for those of you who missed out πŸ˜‰

  • jess
    Posted at 07:25h, 16 July

    Thanks everyone for your support on the day! It really made a difference having you all there. I was proud to be a member/coach at cfk. It was also great to have been in the comp with so many others from cfk! Thanks for the great day everyone πŸ™‚

  • Sue O'Connor
    Posted at 08:33h, 16 July

    Great work everyone – fantastic results. Hope you got everything done you wanted to April on your busy Sunday…
    Bianca waiting for pics of those ‘ripped’ boys!

  • Megan
    Posted at 08:50h, 16 July

    Thanks everyone for your good luck wishes and support for the Semper Paratus games yesterday. It was a great day and it was fabulous to see so many of you there cheering us on. The atmosphere was electric and the crowd deafening for the final. Well done to Jess who missed out on being in the top three by only a few meters. And Pip’s performance in WOD 2 was truely inspiring. Awesome work by everyone that was in the comp. 8 CFK representitives, 7 of them in WOD 2 and 3 of them in the final… this tells me CFK is the place to be. Thanks Jim, April and all the other trainers for your constant care and encouragement. Without you, where would we be?!

  • Pip
    Posted at 09:33h, 16 July

    It was such a GREAT day yesterday! Comparing it to other comps Jess and I have been too, it was just so good having a group of us CFKers in the comp and so many awesome supporters come out and cheer us on! I’m so incredibly proud of Jess, Megan & April. You girls ROCKED it and I was so excited to watch you all in the final. My voice is all croaky today from screaming so much!!
    So when’s the next one?! CFK = BOOM XXXXX πŸ˜€

  • Katherine L
    Posted at 10:33h, 16 July

    It was brilliant to watch. There were some tough girls out there and our girls were amongst them!! I also want to say well done to Jimmy. Those CF guys are tough and it was awesome to see our dedicated, approachable, professional CFK coach out there doing his thing! We don’t often get to see you train, Jim so it was excellent. Cheers for the support, Jim and April and for being apart of it with us. I’m hoping that I’ll be as strong at Trent and Jimmy soon and do one handed weighted squats… BOOM!!

  • Jim King
    Posted at 14:14h, 16 July

    Shira 12:30 (70kg DL,3x single skips)
    Kim 16:04 (60, ring rows, ss)
    Jo G 12:36 Rx
    Sabrina 15:27 Rx
    Kate P 15:19 (65)
    John K 15:33 (60, ss)
    Suzy 15:30 (50, kpu)
    Trent 7:56 Rx
    Caitlin 13:30 (35, ss)
    Rod 11:08 Rx
    Kyle 15:45
    Tony 13:25 Rx
    Michael G 19:30 (60)
    Hutch 10:58 (90)
    Emma P 17:20 (50, double unders!!)
    Jo J 18:29 (60)
    Bianca 18:52 (55)
    Sue O 17:16 (65, du/ss)
    Minh 14:44 (50)
    Lauren trial 18:23
    Ajay trial 18:00
    Dave C 12:09 (60, du/ss)
    Sam D 8:53 (50, ss)
    Phantom 10:24 (80)
    Alyssa 14:00 (35)
    Jack 8:49 (40)
    Andrew B 14:30 (90)
    Heidi 14:47 (12.5)
    Simon 10:20 (90)
    April 11:20 Rx
    Gerald 13:15 (80)
    Josh 14:30 (60)
    Jim 9:08 Rx (GHD, DB pu)

  • Jim King
    Posted at 20:15h, 16 July

  • Jim King
    Posted at 20:17h, 16 July

    • Jim King
      Posted at 20:18h, 16 July

      Megan 11:08 Rx (DB pu)

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