Saturday, 29/08/15

Saturday, 29/08/15

Healthy Habits – measurements to be submitted today. Sonia will be taking measurements between 8.30 and 10:30am.
All the best to Kris Corrie competing at the National Weightlifting Championships in Melbourne today. Follow him through the live streaming link: Nationals. His session is scheduled to start at 10am.
6am, 8am – CrossFit
3 rounds for time:
21 Pushups (^HSPU)
14 Deadlifts (90/60kg) (^120/90kg)
7 Bar Muscle-Ups (^Ring M-Ups)
400m Run (^no run)
– sub 7 Strict Pull-Ups + 7 V-Ups for Muscle-Ups
7am – Barbell Free (You can scale this to a partner WOD, or by doing half of the reps)
3 rounds for time:
800m Run
30 Dumbell Squat Cleans (2 x 20/15kg)
30 Burpees
7am Weightlifting
Snatch Balance
Snatch Pulls
Krusher c and j

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