Saturday, 09/03/19

Saturday, 09/03/19

There will be normal classes for “Barbara” at 6, 7 and 8am.


Open 19.3 will be run in 10 minute blocks as groups are ready to go. (also from 5 – 6.30pm)




5 rounds for time:

20 Pull-Ups

30 Pushups

40 Situps

50 Squats


– rest 3 minutes between rounds


Scaling options:

1) 10 Pull-Ups, 15 Pushups, 20 Situps, 25 Squats

2) 3 rounds for time

3) AMRAP in 30 minutes





“Open 19.3”

For time:

200′ OH Walking Lunge (8 x 25′. 1 x 22.5/15kg)

50 Box Step-Ups (alternate legs. 1 x 22.5/15kg. 24/20″)

50 Strict HSPU

200′ Handstand Walk


 – 10 minute time cap

– tiebreaker times to be taken at the end of the Box Step-Ups and the Strict HSPU

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