06 Oct Saturday, 07/10/17
7am Weightifting
9.15am CrossFit Kids
6, 7, 8am CrossFit
Next week we farewell Yatzel Rubio. Yatzel has been a member for the past 5 months and is returning to her home town of Mexico City. Initially she was very sad to be leaving Australia but since the earthquakes she is keen to get home and help the people whose lives have been torn apart by the tragedy. Yatzel asked if we could do a workout that raised awareness of the situation in Mexico, so today’s WOD is in recognition of the people in Mexico City who are trying to recover and rebuild their lives. There will be a link to a reputable charity posted on the board at the gym if anyone would like to make a donation to the cause.
A) 0-7:00
400m Run, then AMRAP:
15 Double Unders (^UB)
3 Thrusters (40/25kg) (^55/35kg)
B) 10:00-17:00
400m Run, then AMRAP:
5 Box Jumps (24/20″) (^30/24″)
3 Cleans (55/40kg) (^70/50kg)
Jim King
Posted at 11:45h, 07 October