Wednesday, 25/09/13

Wednesday, 25/09/13

The keys that went missing last night have been found. Thank-you to everybody that checked their gear.
For time:
80 Russian Kettlebell Swings (24/16kg)
Then 10-8-6-4-2
Power Snatch (62.5/45kg)
Toes-to-Bar + Chest-to-Bar Pull-up Combo (T2B+C2B must be combined successfully for each rep)



No Comments
  • Oz
    Posted at 20:51h, 24 September

    Yes TK, she met-cons!

  • Katherine L
    Posted at 10:11h, 25 September

    Kath L
    Lazy ‘Holiday’ Helen (sub pulls up for tricep dips)
    Michael L
    11 + 6 push ups Rx

  • Jim King
    Posted at 13:46h, 25 September

    Hunty 21:18 rx
    Alex F 18:01 @24kg KB, 35kg barbell
    Marc G 14:26 mod
    Chris V 19:39 @20,45
    Julie N 11:57 @16,15 mod
    G-Force 25:47 rx
    Rees 17:36 @45
    AK 14:17 @35
    Mel B 11:40 @8kg DB Press
    Amanda 1:48 @12,20 mod
    Tara 11:27 @8,15 mod
    Michael G 22:05 @50
    Niall 22:07 @50
    Josh A 17:56 @50
    Rod 18:16 rx
    Trent 13:04 rx
    Craig J 21:04 @20,35
    Greg 16:31 @55
    Pav 19:23 @20,30
    Maria 13:20 @25 mod
    Jo D 23:34 @20,30
    Crystal 18:12 @25 mod
    Bridgette 13:33 @20, mod
    Sophie Mac 13:52 @20, mod
    Nicolette 14:38 @8,15
    Dinesh 17:00 @20,30
    Luke J 17:25 @25 mod
    Rosco 19:15 @20,40
    Billi 17:54 @16,24
    Sumi 18:18 @16,20
    Shiny Sam 24:55 @24,40
    Naomi H 14:08 @16,25
    Bec C 10:59 @16,25
    Kate L 13:24 @25
    Sarah LJ 15:30 @16
    9.30am (Krusher on the pen)
    Big Will
    Eggs Benny 16:42 @50
    S Sparrow
    Manly Marcel
    Good Times 13:33 @50
    McJono 13:01 @50
    Renee-sance 14:33 @12,15
    A-Bomb 18:37 mod
    JoDie Hard 14:03 mod
    Big J 10:28 @12,25
    Jim 16:40 rx / 32:57 rx “Collin”
    Krushov – / 38:27 rx “Collin”

  • Jim King
    Posted at 20:35h, 25 September

    Dave C 14:25 @40
    Richard B
    Toby 19:36 @45
    Dan M 19:33 @40 mod
    Rob C 19:58 @60
    Ash M 19:28 mod
    Nicole M 13:33 @6,8
    Chris M 13:50 @16,30
    Damo C 21:30 @24,50
    Chakkerz 19:58 (100 x 60kg Bench Press)
    Reece K 21:03 rx
    Camo 14:26 rx
    Mullo 17:42 @24,40
    Bel 14:27 @12,17.5
    Sharelle 18:47 @16,35
    Paige 20:54 @16,40
    Jad 18:30 @20,45
    Sarah L
    Mad Dog
    Damo A 19:33 @20,40
    Krushov 11:57 rx
    Sue O
    Shelly 17:20
    Sen 19:45 @16,45
    Graham 17:17 @20,35
    Jeremy H
    Grant dB 18:54 @40
    Jack 18:19 @16,30
    Grant E
    Samson 12:29 rx
    Jen 16:25 @12,15
    John K 15:48 @20,30
    Shane T 21:50 @20,40
    Foxy 12:30 @50
    Deb J 16:15 @12,18

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