25 Apr Thursday, 26/04/12
Push Press / Ring Dips
10, 10, 10 / 10
8 / 10
6 / 10
4 / 10
2, 2, 2 / 10
Then complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes:
12 Hip Rotations (24/16kg)
10 Burpee SDHP (24/16kg)
8 Kettlebell Swings (24/16kg)
Here’s the next park workout…
Jo Genders
Posted at 20:07h, 25 AprilMy three favourite things about that clip:
1. OMG. Amazing!
2. The inexplicable mattress behind push up guy
3. The misspelling of Brooklyn (Broolyn) in the closing credits.
Sue O'Connor
Posted at 21:06h, 25 AprilJim
Could you invite them to Crossfit King for a workout…
Posted at 09:06h, 26 AprilHey Jess.
Can you NOT do ‘Kelly’ for at least a week? I want to continue to live in my delusioned world where I have the gym record for that workout for at least one week!!!
Posted at 22:16h, 26 AprilOh Megan, you are too funny!!
Posted at 22:17h, 26 AprilSorry, that’s from me Jess. Now you have put out the challenge……look out 🙂
Jim King
Posted at 09:47h, 26 April6am
Jen Intro 3
Chris B 2x60kg Push Press / 6 rounds + 2 BSDHP (20kg KB)
Trent 70 / 7+5 HR Rx
Sam 32.5 / 4+6 B (12)
Jo J 35 / 5+1B Rx
Rod 70 / 5+10 B
Megan 45 / 6+2 B Rx
Sue O 35 / 5+1 B Rx
Sabrina 30 / 5+3 KBS Rx
Pat 40 / 5+1B
Nat 50 / 5+3B
Caitlin 18 / 6+5 B
Ainslee ? / 5 (8)
John A 45 / 5 Rx
Emma P 22.5 / 5+2 K
Bianca 35 / 5+1B Rx
Hutch 65 / 4+4 K
Tony M 75 / 4
Damo 80kg DL / 7+4 SDHP mod
Posted at 13:39h, 26 AprilUnfortunately my park does not have all of that equipment. 🙂
Posted at 16:34h, 26 Aprilwhy are they wearing nappies under their shorts ?
Jim King
Posted at 20:02h, 26 April5pm
Arnie 65 / 4 Rx
Chris M 50 / ?
CKZ 8 rnds (C-WOD)
Clay 60 / 4+5 B Rx
Bruiser 37.5 / 5+6 H Rx
Rivke 30 / 3+6 B
Steve F 50 / 4+12 H
Emma H 35 / 5
Ru 80 / 4+8 B Rx
Alyssa 35 / 5 (12)
David C 50 / 6 (20)
Dan 55 / 4+1 K (16)
Jack 37.5 / 6+1 H (16)
Georgio 70 / 6+5 B Rx
Chris Bats 25 / 5+1 H
Ian 65 / 5+3 B Rx
Kneecap 50 / 5+8 H
Jess 50 / 7+5 B Rx
Posted at 21:59h, 26 April10km run as fast as I can home (1hr 10 – minus some time waiting for traffic)