Saturday, 08/09/12

Saturday, 08/09/12

All the best to everyone going to the Stampede today.
With April away Jess will be running the 6:45am session. She is going to run a Yoga-style session so come along and get a dose of early morning awesomeness with a different flavour.
Either A) “Severin” (If the Stampeders can run 10 km through mud, we can go 5km on the footpath) or B) “Michael”
A) “Severin”
50 Strict Pull-ups
100 Hand Release Push-ups
5Km Run
If you’ve got a twenty pound vest or body armor, wear it.
B) “Michael”
Three rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
50 Back Extensions
50 Sit-ups
If your abs are still singing from “Annie” sub in Lunges for Situps.

  • Jim King
    Posted at 14:48h, 08 September

    Champion effort this morning troops. It seemed to me to be a great advertisement for the gym the way everyone was sprinting around the carpark with big smiles on, just like Ajay’s in the main photo today.
    Leah W 21:02 Rx
    Bec G 22:54 Rx
    Tim D 22:21 Rx
    Tim G
    Gary B
    Chris B? 27:29 (Not sure who this was. Not the regular Chris B, he was on a plane)
    Hayley 23:00
    Michael R 21:53 Rx
    Chris Bats 37:25
    Mad Dog
    Harvey G
    Dave W 35:30 Rx
    Mad Dog
    Georgio Welcome back!
    Simon B 38:12 rx
    Damo 39:40
    Kim L 45:48 part. (blue, knee pu) Special shout out to Kim and Emma today for their determined effort on the runs.
    Emma H 40:45 part. (4km)
    Jim K 44:36 Rx + 10kg vest
    GT 43:37 Rx + 10kg vest
    Rod 43:30 Rx + 10kg vest
    Jess L 53:58 Rx + 4kg vest
    Pip S 53:58 Rx + 4kg vest
    Dave C 41:29 Rx
    Shelly 28:45 (3km)
    Arthur 40:15 part. (green band)
    Rob C 37:57 part. (row)
    Lana 39:13 part. (kip pullups)
    Note: There is only one Mad Dog and you read it correctly – he did complete both workouts.

  • Michael L
    Posted at 15:21h, 08 September

    Severin 38:54rx

  • Kim
    Posted at 19:54h, 08 September

    Thanks Jimmy, I think that is the furtherest I have ever run in my life!

  • Bryce
    Posted at 20:15h, 08 September

    At my usual pace though Jimmy – SLOW..!
    Let the people know that Coach King smoked us all, whilst wearing a vest..
    PS: Hope everyone running in the Stampede had fun..?!

    • Jim King
      Posted at 21:43h, 08 September

      Also let the people know that Bryce hung around with me at the start and did an extra 30 pushups to help get me to the 100 and then carried a 15kg sandbag for 3kms, and that in the second group Rod (Top Gun – TG) and GT (who hardly broke a sweat) beat my time by over a minute, also wearing vests. Gotta say GT, you make a weight vest look like a tuxedo.

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