Saturday, 05/11/11

Saturday, 05/11/11

CrossFit Games Open 11.3
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 5 minutes of:
75kg/50kg Squat clean
75kg/50kg Jerk
Games Open 11.4
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
60 Bar-facing burpees
30 reps Overhead squat (55 /40kg)
10 Muscle-ups

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  • Katherine L
    Posted at 22:20h, 04 November

    Crossfit vs Zumba
    Some of you may have seen this before. Thought it was pretty funny considering Zumba is in the same building as we crossfitters are….

    • Megan
      Posted at 09:21h, 07 November

      That is soooo funny!!! And so true…

  • Jim King
    Posted at 10:47h, 05 November

    Nic P
    Shane 3 mod / 30B, 15 Sq, 6×5 pull+dip
    Laura 3 mod / 30B, 15 Sq, 5 pull+dip
    Jack 30 @23kg / 78 @18kg
    Ania 8 mod / ?
    Tim 40 @ 30kg / 91 (FS @ 20kg)
    Megan 30 @ 35kg / 69 @ 25kg
    Campbell 18 @ 35kg / 67 (FS@ 35kg)
    Katherine L 8 + 7 @ 15 kg mod / 90 + 25 pull+dip
    Jenny 3 + 6 @ 8kg mod / 45 + 6 pull+dip
    Chris 76 @ 40 kg (Power clean) / 110 @ 40kg mod
    Jess 30 @ 37.5kg / 90 + 1 pull+dip @ 25kg
    Bec 22 @ 35kg / 68 @ 25kg
    Pip 20 Rxd (21 last time) ) / 64 Rxd (66 last time)
    KIm 18 @ 10kg / 50
    Paula 28 Rxd (14 last time) / 67 Rxd (61 last time)
    Brendan 24 Rxd (15 last time) / 87 Rxd (88 last time)
    Jo G 50 @ 25 kg / 90 + 1 pullup @ 20kg
    Ali 56 @15kg / 82 @ 10kg
    Michael L 16 @ 25kg / 90 + 6 pullups @ 25 kg
    Steph 32 @ 35kg / 30 burpee, 14 OHS @ 20kg
    David C 2 @ 20kg mod / 5 rnds mod
    April 20 Rxd (18 last time) / 67 Rxd (65 last time)

    • Jo Genders
      Posted at 17:56h, 05 November

      Good job Steph. Heavy weights!

  • Pip
    Posted at 15:40h, 05 November

    Boo – I may not have beat my scores but I did do 2 x 40kg snatches!! (thats a PB, even if they were ugly lol) 😛

  • Jessica
    Posted at 19:57h, 05 November

    Pip, be proud of yourself man. That is some heavy weight you are lifting!!! Paula, awesome numbers!! April, you are amazing! Your so tiny and lift such heavy weight. Such an inspiration!! Jo, very awesome numbers too! You are a superstar! If I were there though, I would have encouraged you to do heavier weights cause I know you could’ve. Great work to everyone who participated and gave it there all!!

    • Jessica
      Posted at 19:58h, 05 November

      Sorry to have not mentioned your incredibly heavy weights also Steph! Wow! Nice job 😉

    • Jo Genders
      Posted at 20:06h, 05 November

      Jess, I need you to discourage me from being a lazy cow!

      • Jessica
        Posted at 20:54h, 05 November

        Not a lazy cow Jo! OMG, look at your reps and times and weights. It’s just I think you under estimate yourself at times and you need me to give you a swift kick up the butt and remind you/tell you, how good you are and you CAN do that little bit heavier/better. Your work ethic is HUGE! I just don’t want you to sell yourself short 🙂 (That’s just the pt in me coming out…..)

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