02 Aug Saturday, 03/08/13
This weekend we have a team entered into the Allstar Affiliate Challenge which is being held at Brisbane Grammar School. Entry for spectators is $5. The crew representing us are Oz, Jess, Krusher, Lans, Camo and Paige and it would be great to have some supporters get behind them over the weekend.
There is also a call for anyone who can help out with judging at any time. Please ring Ashley Shield on 0421 220 966 if you are keen to get involved.
AMRAP in 20 minutes:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats
As many unbroken HSPU as possible in 20 minutes:
1 Rope Climb
400m Run
Max rep Handstand Pushup
Jim King
Posted at 11:00h, 03 Augustpu = pushup
p-u = pull-up
Jason V 12
Jad 8+11 mod
Pav 6xc nov
Steve B 6xc+6 pu nov
Alethea 7+7 pu mod
Marty 13+11 sq
Sammy H
Logan C 4xc (nov)
Sarah LJ 14+5 mod
Trent 15+2 sq mod
John K 11+5 pu
Naomi H 17 mod
Bec C 17 mod
Naomi P 11 mod
Dave M 9 mod
Josh A 12
Laz 11+3 pu
Sue O 10+2 p-u
Kim L 8+2 p-u (4x orange band, 4 x green band) 365 days to get rx
Cam J 14+5 p-u
Chooky 8x 2/400m nov
Eleni 9x 2/400m nov
Peter D 18
Dani B 8+10 pu
Danni S 6+3 run
Laura 6+run+2 rows
Luke O 8
Niall 15
Shelly 7xc + 400m nov
Sinead 6×3 400m run
Smithy 8+300m row mod
Alex C 5 rx + 6 mod
Dave C 19+10 sq
Jono 15+12 sq
Sarah L 9+1 pu rx
Kath L 12+3 pu rx
Chris V 15+5 p-u rx
Assan 13+6 pu rx
Marc G 15+9 pu rx PB
TK 20+9 pu rx
Steve H 15+6 sq rx
Michael G 15+13 sq rx
Rich B 12+pu’s rx
George 14 rx
Reece K 15+2 pu rx
Megan 12+5 p-u rx
Sharelle 10+4 p-u rx
Dee 13+11 rx
Killer 9+5 pu rx
Netty 8+6 rx
Michelle 13+5 rx
Brad B 40 (1 abmat)
Scharfty 65 rx
Michael L 19 rx
Jo G 14:26 rx
DangerMan 45kg Hang Sn PB
Dani B
Sam T
Camo Leggatt
Posted at 16:41h, 03 AugustThanks so much to everyone that came out and supported us today!!! We all loved, meant alot!! You guys are the best.
Posted at 17:45h, 03 AugustI second that motion and a big kiss to you all! MWAAAA 😉