Friday, 14/09/12

Friday, 14/09/12

This Saturday we have entered a team into the WodStock competition on the Gold Coast. The team is Jess Labelle (capitano), Pip Severin, April King, Trent Leggatt, Ozzie Osbourne and myself. If you’re in the area come along and check out the action.
The Saturday morning timetable for the gym will run as per normal (including Mobility at 6.45am) with Bec running the show. The 9.30am class is cancelled however.
For time:
Tuck Jumps (Sub Butt-kickers. Double reps)
Every minute, on the minute for 10 minutes:
3 Deadlifts at 75% of 1RM
For time:
50 Wall Ball

  • Jo D
    Posted at 08:26h, 14 September

    Best of luck ‘wodstock’ competitors, what an awesome team you will make! Have fun & smash it as I know you all will. xxxxxx

    • Rod
      Posted at 12:00h, 14 September

      Good Luck Team at Wodstock!

    • Megan
      Posted at 15:55h, 14 September

      I hope you all have an awesome time at Wodstock tomorrow. Smash ’em all…

  • Jim King
    Posted at 11:02h, 14 September

    A) Mini Metcon B) DL weight C) 50 wall ball
    Simon B 4:44 / 110 / 2:13 Rx
    John K 6:11 / 70 / 2:11
    Steve F 4:40 / 110 / 2:30 Rx
    Alex G 4:20 / 100 / 2:59 Rx
    Jim – / 120 / 1:39 Rx
    Trent 4:19 / 130 / 1:40 Rx
    Hutch 6:58 / 82.5 / 2:15 Rx
    Rod 4:31 / 120 / 1:40 Rx
    Oz 2:52
    Caitlin 6:03 / 40 / 4:19
    Sue O 4:46 / 62.5 / 2:05 Rx
    Dave C 3:30 / 3x60kg, 7x70kg / 2:09 (15kg Goblet Squat)
    Chris B 5:04 / 110 / 2:01 (6kg)
    Michael G 6:35 / 80 / 2:43
    Craig 3:12 / 90 / 2:30 Rx
    GT 3:48 / 70 / 2:30 Rx
    Georgios 4:35 / 90 / 1:30 Rx
    Netty 5:01 / 90 / 1:36 Rx
    Locky 7:17 / 90 / 3:00 Rx
    Grant d 6:09 / 35 / 4:30
    Gary B 6:24 / 60 / 4:36 (6kg)
    Ajay 5:59 / 90 / 3:02 (6kg)
    Kelly H 5:45 20.5 / 3:40
    Chris V 4:33 / 60 / 3:24

  • Bianca
    Posted at 12:42h, 14 September

    OMGGG The professional photos from the Stampede are out! Check em out:
    Just chuck in your last name and search from there. A lot of photos were not able to be matched to people due to muddy bibs!.. so not everyone will have photos. Feel free to search through the thousands though to find yourself.

  • Jim King
    Posted at 20:24h, 14 September

    Open Gym
    Kat 15:00 Rx “Helen” / B=60kg / C=3:47 Rx
    Dan 15:49 “Helen” / B=105kg / C=3:48 Rx
    Arthur 14:45 “Helen” (20kg)
    Mick G
    Nic P
    CKZ 25 mins (100 band pullups and box dips)
    Matt G 4:01 / 100 / –
    Lana “Michael”
    Steve F “Severin”
    Torin 12:30 / 75 / 5:27
    Dave W
    Jean-Marc 19:00 “Michael” / 120kg DL 1RM, 90kg DL today’s WOD
    Kate P 22:22 “Michael”

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