Workout of the Day

Over the weekend Oz and Jess will be competing in the CrossFit CrossAxed Semper Paratus Challenge. Competition begins tonight with heats for the first event for both males and females starting at 6pm.  There will be an Open Gym from 7-9am on Monday for the public...

HEALTHY HABITS starts today. Yay Burpees! MOBILITY 6.15-7.00pm A) "Holleyman" 30 rounds for time: 5 Wall Ball (9/6kg) 3 HSPU 1 Power Clean (102/70kg) or B) 30 rounds for time: 5 Box Jumps (24/20") 3 Power Cleans (62.5/45kg) 1 Turkish Getup (24/16kg) [caption id="attachment_4882" align="aligncenter" width="461"] Gary B[/caption]...

The next HEALTHY HABITS CHALLENGE begins on October 1. If you want to be involved (no cost) send an email to Sonia –  - and she will send you the information. If you have already received all the info you need to email Sonia...

MOBILITY 6.15 - 7.00pm WOD A) Overhead Squat 1 x 10 x 50% 1 x 7 x 75% 1 x 5 x 80% 2 x 3 x 85% 3 x 3 x 90%   For time (with a 5 minute time cap for each movement): B) 10 Muscle-Ups and/or C) 200 Double Unders and/or D) 30m Handstand Walk httpv://

The keys that went missing last night have been found. Thank-you to everybody that checked their gear. WOD For time: 80 Russian Kettlebell Swings (24/16kg) Then 10-8-6-4-2 Power Snatch (62.5/45kg) Toes-to-Bar + Chest-to-Bar Pull-up Combo (T2B+C2B must be combined successfully for each rep) [caption id="attachment_4856" align="aligncenter" width="640"] Maria[/caption]...


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